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The World of Minibeasts

Secrets in Bunches: a Buttercup


Uninteressant für Vögel: Hanhnenfuß am Stiel





This is the (inflorescence) of a Buttercup flower. At the end of the stem, a bunch of flat, elongated seeds spreads into all directions. They are green yet, but are about to turn brown. 

These things also are not eaten by animals - probably one or another of the seeds after they have ripened and fallen down. For any bird it would be too much of an effort to pick for an unripe seed on a swaying, instable stem in the height of summer with its rich offer of food. 

previous chapter   next chapter  Wegerich Buttercup Sedge A Solution
Small Bunches Another Solution A Bunch to Drop  

Photograph by José Verkest, text by Maria Pfeifer