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The World of Minibeasts

How Flies Do it: Mating


...mating... The female is ready to mate when she puts forward her long, dark ovipositor and leads it to the hind part of the male. The German psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, inventor of the (is this term known elsewhere in the world: penis envy or penis jealousy? The term, created in the 20ies,  is supposed to describe women's unconscious envy for the male sexual organ, a quite doubted theory in recent decades), probably would have certified a pronounced ovipositor envy to the male, considering the shape and size of this female organ.

But the six-legged inhabitants of this planet couldn't care less about the complicated opinions of their two legged cohabitants and mate according to their own rules. The picture shows a related fly species of the Tephritidae family: Uruphora stylata, that mates in similar way as does Platystoma seminationis.

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Flirting Kissing Mating ...Bye!

Photographs by José Verkest, text by Maria Pfeifer